Proteomics provide a comprehensive understanding of the structure, function, and regulation of biological systems and are rapidly becoming a crucial component of biological research.
TEMA RICERCA offers cutting-edge solutions for your research with over 30,000 ELISA kits, 45,000+ proteins, including purified, native, recombinant, fusion, peptides, methylated or phosphorylated variants, over 1 million cDNA clones, hundreds of vectors, 350+ ELISPOT kits for cytokine studies in human and animal models, 350,000+ antibodies, and more than 100,000+ reagents and products for epigenetic solutions.
Visit our dedicated section now.
Gli studi di proteomica offrono una visione completa della struttura, funzione e regolazione dei sistemi biologici e rappresentano una componente cruciale della ricerca biologica.
TEMA RICERCA offre soluzioni all’avanguardia per le tue esigenze con oltre 30.000 kit ELISA, 45.000 proteine tra purificate, native, ricombinanti, di fusione, metilate o fosforilate, oltre 1 milione di cloni cDNA, centinaia di vettori, 450+ kit ELISPOT per studi su citochine in modelli umani e animali, 350.000+ anticorpi e oltre 100.000+ reagenti e prodotti per soluzioni epigenetiche,
Visita subito la nostra sezione dedicata.
Histone methylation causes transcription repression or activation, depending on the target sites. Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) control or regulate DNA methylation through chromatin-dependent transcription repression or activation. Measurement of histone methyltrasferase activity and quantification of histone methylation patterns have become pivotal in studying epigenetic regulation of genes, as well as inhibitor discovery.
Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) are enzymes that catalyze the transfer of methyl groups to histone proteins, and control or regulate DNA methylation through chromatin-dependent transcription repression or activation. Histone methylation serves in both epigenetic gene activation and silencing, thereby making it important to measure the activity or inhibition of HMTs.
Histone Demethylation is the removal of methyl groups in modified histone proteins via histone demethylases. The discovery of histone demethylases demonstrates that histone methylation is not a permanent modification, but rather a more dynamic process. Specific demethylases are found to be involved in some pathological processes such as cancer progression, making it necessary to better understand the activity or inhibition of histone demethylases.
Histone methylation is the modification of certain amino acids in a histone protein by the addition of methyl groups. Methylation and demethylation of histones turn genes on and off in DNA. Quantifying histone methylation is particularly useful for studying gene expression patterns.
Schematic Procedure
(e.g. Global Di-Methyl Histone H3K79 quantification Kit)