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Dyed Microspheres

Visibly dyed microspheres are frequently used in lateral flow tests and “latex” agglutination tests. Our polystrene microspheres are impregnated with vibrant dyes for optimal visualization. See our color palette for a representation of our standard colors. Non-functionalized and functionalized versions are available to support adsorption and covalent binding strategies

Our non-functionalized microspheres are suitable for coating with antibody or other large proteins via adsorption. See TechNote 204, Adsorption to Microspheres, for a general adsorption protocol. These visibly dyed microspheres are supplied as a 5% solids suspension (50mg/mL) and are available in four standard volumes: 0.5g, 1.0g, 1.5g, and 5.0g.

Biomolecules may be covalently immobilized to carboxyl-functionalized microspheres. A general coupling protocol is provided within TechNote 205, Covalent Coupling. Our dyed carboxyl microspheres are impregnated with vibrant dyes for optimal visualization. See our color palette for a representation of our standard colors. They are supplied as a 5% solids suspension (50mg/mL) and are available in four standard volumes: 0.5g, 1.0g, 1.5g, and 5.0g.

* The final character of the catalog code denotes color: B = Blue, R = Red, O = Orange, K = Black, V = Purple, G = Green, F = Fluorescent, N=None.

Dyed Microspheres

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